jeudi 5 août 2010

Long Live the Phelpsmachine

Did recently some sorting and re-designing of this blog, like you sure did notice *coughs* There might be some more changes in the future but right now, I am fine with it.

In order to try out Blogger's html tags and embed code capacities, I've chosen what could be regarded as my favourite candid Michael Phelps vid of all time, courtesy of John Lau and floswimming. (Yeah right well ok, lame excuse, I just wanted to have the link bookmarked somewhere)

After watching it, you will probably think that I actually hate His Highness 8-Gold and you would be so wrong. If only you knew how many hours I've drooled over what nature gave him. He is raw "talent" ^^

Please, play repeat and tell me you do understand what I mean. Bonus feature : It's a very quick one but pay close attention at the end of the sequence. Katie Hoff and Pauly, back in the old days, engaged in some serious convo.

Just in case you missed it, see also my previous post on Open EDF, in French.