Almost every celeb in the US owns a Twitter account. Swim pool superstar and Olympian veteran Dara Torres makes no exception. I have to say I've always been skeptical of this form of socializing network. I mean, duh, isn't Twitter like an RSS feed to each boring aspects of people's lives? Alright, I won't dwell on the subject. Let's say that I tend to join most haters but that I have changed my mind temporarily when I bumped into Darra Torres'. Why? She has been providing me with more information than any newspapers ever did so far. I am doing some research and actually need to know about a swimmer's every move and step during the day. Simple as that.
Simple as that = C'est aussi simple que ça ?
RépondreSupprimerWhat does it mean "Simple as that" ?
"Simple as that = C'est aussi simple que ça ?"
RépondreSupprimerOui, monsieur !
Ok, thank you, miss.